
Ever wondered why on a fine sunny day, all of the sudden, your mood been stolen away just like that with just A thought in your mind?

Ever wondered why are you so unhappy when you knw there are lots of people out there living their life in a pursuit of happiness despite that they're living in poverty? Think. Why are you being so unhappy?

Ever wondered why with all the blessings that you're having, surrounded by people that love you dearly and mostly, still, you are feeling all alone in this world? Seems like not a person understands what you're feeling inside. Seems like you want to travel to a place all alone, bringing no one else. Seems like, nobody cares about you and you dont even mattered to anyone else. Seems like...... a hole has been punched through your chest and you dont even know the cause of it.

Tonight, I am feeling drastically emotional. I am basically tired with thoughts that have been lingering in my head for the past few days. Stuffs that dont even mattered. Stuffs that I shouldnt be worried about. But still, I am neglecting my own advice. Dont we all do the same? Dont we all always feel unsatisfied eventhough we have most of the things that other kids/teenagers dont have the chance to get? Sometimes, it is better to be heartless, they said. Sometimes, it is better to not care about other people's feelings, they said. Folks, I am about to turn my frown into upside down and convince yall (and myself) how tough times, could actually be a lesson and something useful for us to remember in the future...

Tough times. Most current issues that we, teenagers, are facing every single day wold probably be love problems, family or even friends ! Or studies if I may add up.. Lets start with love. This 'L' bomb..

"I never knew before, what such love as you have made me feel." 
Falling in love is beautiful, yet the most painful feeling ever once you lost it. Falling in love is heavenly. It starts with a simple "hi", a smile and a start to a beautiful love story. Your lover is the thought that starts every morning and the conclusion to all your puzzles at night time. After you feel like the whole world has go against you, when you have no one else to look up to, there he/she is, waiting and still having faith in you. The world is yours, isnt it? Teenagers, what will us be without making silly mistakes mostly every single day? We put so much hope in someone we barely even know, we believe in 'forever' too soon, we believe that our happiness is being held by the thought of having a beau when it is certainly not! Lies, lies and more lies. In a relationship, when the negative thoughts start to overcome the good ones, what's the point of holding on? Each they, the couple quarrel over the smallest things, when the sparks of being in love start to fade, what's the point of holding on? Breaking up is not easy, cause I've been in one. I choose not to fall in love easily after this cause I believe in keeping my heart, my love for someone that not just by calling him a boyfriend, but also a husband. I choose to live forever with my future Mr.Right, my husband, my Imam, till Jannah. InsyaAllah.

We move on to family problems...

Sometimes, being a teenager, we often feel like nobody cares about us, even if it happens to be our family. Its a phase in life, boys and girls. Cause I've been in one too.This is not a drama in tv where everything falls perfectly in their places, where a family lives happy ever after without a single problem. If you're living one, you're a big, fat liar and I'm gonna tell your mommy. Now stop interrupting me.. *clear throat*. Teenagers, we tend to earn this thing called 'freedom' from our parents. Free from parents' nagging, over-protective parents, schools, and whatnot. That feeling to be free from all of these. We often fight with our family members, mostly with our parents because as we grow up, we crave for different attention from them but somehow, teenagers and adults seem like they cant understand each other well. We feel lonely, depressed, unloved and decide to give them the 'silence treatment'. Think wisely, after all they've done to you, after all they have sacrificed, after all the tears that they have dried, after all the pain they have soothed, without a simple thank you, you're treating them like this? Appreciate them, before is too late. cause they are teens out there who is in need of a mother/father's love cause apparently...they dont have one.

In a nutshell, eventhough there are several things in life that doesnt flow according to your plan, have faith and pray to God. He listens to you and will give you the solution to every problem that you are facing. InsyaAllah, with His will, you will find true meaning of happiness. And I decided to take my words as an advice to my ownself. Goodnight. x

Love, R!

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