"Kalau kau fail SPM, memang kau kerja kilang lah jawabnya !"
"Kalau kau fail SPM, memang kau tak berjaya hidup kau!"
"Kalau kau fail SPM, kau pegi carik anak Tan Sri mana kahwin baru kau ngaku kau anak aku!"
"Kalau kau fail SPM, masa depan kau gelap macam black hole !"
"Kalau kau fail SPM, kau memang tak kemana dok rumah buat taik mata"
Kalau. Kalau. Dan kalau. Kenapa parents tak dorong anak anak mereka? Why wouldnt they inspire their children with words of wisdoms, with inspirational words, with words that could lighten up their child's spirit to actually study. Why? By saying all those words, it is really depressing and under-estimating your child. Bagaimana anak anak nak berjaya kalau tiada bimbingan dari orang yang paling terdekat dngan mereka iaitu keluarga? Jangan dok complain anak tak pandai kalau ibu bapa tak ambil peranan dalam mendidik anak untuk berjaya. "Meluntur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya" , didik dan bimbing anak anak dari kecil. Guide them and support them. On exam weeks, be with your child when he/she is studying. Just to stay by their side would mean a lot to them.
"Nak study tapi Blackberi saya asyik asyik asyik dok blinking kata ada notification"
"Nak study tapi asyik lapar acane?!?!?!"
"Nak study tapi tak masuk otak"
"Nak study tapi boyfriend ajak pergi sushi date"
"Nak study tapi girlfriends ajak pergi shoes hunting"
Here's the thing : SAY NO TO "Nak study tapi..." !!!!!!1
Throw away your Blackberry, iPhone or whatever gadget that is distracting you from giving 150% focus on your book ! Throw them out the window ! (Okay no I kid, dont) Locked yourself in the room with healthy food. NO JUNK FOOD IS ALLOWED WHEN YOU'RE SITTING FOR EXAMINATION ! Throw away your ipod and radio. Tell your boyfriend/girlfriend you need time and space. If your lover cant understand you, honey, it's time to wave sayonara ! Tell your girlfriends you can go shopping for the rest of your life after you finish your exam. TELL THEM ! You have the power to stop yourself from being all distracted. Trust me, cause I did. Hehe.
"Kalau takboleh jawab, berserah jelah kat Allah"
Whats the point of praying when you put zero effort in the thing you want the most? You want straight A's ? Then buckle up yourself on that chair, study smart and pray. Allah listens to each of His servant's prayer and He'll grant if His servant meant each word in his prayer. But not just by praying, you think you'll get whatever you want. Allah is not gonna simply grant His servant's wish if we dont put effort. Study and make good deed to the people surrounding you. InsyaAllah, He will give you what you dream of having :)
Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakeel. Allah ialah sebaik baik penolong dan pelindung.
Love, R!
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